Luke Smith Write today, wrong tomorrow

Aspx or Ashx?

I just got a notification from Windows Live Mail Desktop saying it couldn't find the url when trying to poll for new messages. I thought this as strange since aspx pages are primarily used for rendering Html content (altho nothing is stopping you from outputting something else such as Xaml). The...

Updated RSS Feed

You may have noticed my SportsDo Activities have now been merged into my RSS feed (so you can see when i decide to do some exercise). As I was using FeedBurner to abstract my blogs RSS feed it won't affect any of my hordes of readers. I used Yahoo Pipes...

Orcas March CTP

I've been downloading the Orcas March CTP Virtual PC Image. Daniel Moth has been blogging about alot of the new language features in C# 3.0. Automatic properties in C#3 System.AddIn LINQ Resources Go check it out.

Dominos 1 - Pizza Hut (what was that?)

I don't hang up the phone on people often, but after 10 attempts to tell the Pizza Hut women my phone number I had to give in. It took less time to order from dominos than it did to get past stage 1 of ordering from Pizza Hut. Dominos 1...

2 bugs in the Virtual Earth API

It's not everyday that you find a bug in a piece of Microsoft code, but 2 bugs in one day? And those 2 bugs being in the same function? Well I should have played the lottery this week. In the Virtual Earth API the VEPushpin.Dipose function contains 2 bugs, which...

Tags in Windows Photo Gallery

Heres a little tip when adding tags in Windows Photo Gallery in Vista. If you want to make the tags groupable, eg list places together, then you can do so by formatting the tag as follows: Places/Reading/Reading Festival; On the left handside you will see the treeview contain subnodes You...

I have a new nipple

I must say I am extremly impressed with the speed at which my tablet got fixed and returned (in less pieces than it was sent to them in). I'd heard stories of people not having their laptops returned from Toshiba for several weeks/months but my experience says otherwise. The screen...

Did you know..


GPolyLine error when adding to Google Map

--------------------------- Error --------------------------- A Runtime Error has occurred. Do you wish to Debug? Line: 29 Error: Unexpected call to method or property access. --------------------------- Yes No --------------------------- If you are getting the following error in Internet Explorer when attempting to add a GPolyLine to your google map via the API...

Javascript error with Microsoft Virtual Earth

If you get the following error when using Microsoft Virtual Earth then check that you don't have an HTML element with an id of 'footer'. --------------------------- Error --------------------------- A Runtime Error has occurred. Do you wish to Debug? Line: 1 Error: 'scopingBar_separator' is undefined --------------------------- Yes No ---------------------------   Brought to you...