Luke Smith Write today, wrong tomorrow

Comparison of Vista Editions

Some nice people have made a comparison list of all the Vista Editions, listing only which features an edition doesn't have. Hardware Configuration(s)-Acceptability: 1: Max. ram support: 4GB for 32-bit systems. [Across all versions] For 64-bit: 8GB max. for basic, 16GB max. for premium and more than 128GB for business...

Windows Live Messenger Gadget

I blogged yesterday about a WLM Gadget for the Vista Sidebar. Well today a new beta was released.

Sidebar Gadgets

Now that I'm running Vista RTM on my tablet I thought I'd look at what gadgets are available for the sidebar. I found 2 cool gadgets; one is a BBC Radio gadget which allows you to select which BBC radio station to listen to, the second connects to Windows Live...

Bringing Expose to Vista

Microsoft brought Flip3d to Vista as an alternative to Alt+Tab, which is nice and all but I still believe OSX's Expose feature is better. I've used TopDesk on XP to get Expose functionality, but now theres 'My Expose' for Vista, which makes use of the Desktop Window Manager of Vista. It takes...

Luke 1, IE 0

I've been spending the day trying to track down an annoying bug in IE to do with javascript, "Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet site http://....", "operation aborted". It's all to do with the google maps api I'm working with. It works fine under firefox yet I couldn't get the...

Unexpected error 0×8ffe2740 occurred in IIS 5.1

I've been getting 'Unexpected error 0x8ffe2740 occurred' under IIS 5.1 when trying to start the website today and just went about fixing it. A quick google discovered that it's due to another application using port 80. I remember having this problem once before and the culprit was Skype. Closing down Skype...

Got myself a gigabeat s60

Although not out in the UK officially, i got myself a Toshiba Gigabeat S from expansys uk. They seem to be the only place this side of the pond to sell them. It's an awesome device, the screen is beautiful, the interface is easy to use and find what you...

Vista RTM

This is my token post, I'll feel left out if I don't make it, to say that Windows Vista has been RTM (Released To Manufacturing). I had a rant last night to Philip about how I was annoyed at having my rss reader flooded with the same story...Vista RTM (i...

Photosynth Tech Preview

This is one of the most amazing pieces of technology I've seen in a while. On a recent trip to Brugge I had photosynth in the back of my mind and so I was taking photos in a way that they would look cool when I'd finally get my hands...

800 seconds and counting…

Well i'm changing jobs and todays my last day. Come monday I will be a doer. I had a little bit of spare time today so was making pointless programs. One which counts down the seconds...and as my director put it "you geek".